
I am a Professor at the Department of Political Economy, King’s College London and the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen. My current research analyzes interest groups and lobbying, political representation, social media, gender, democratic legitimacy, public policy and political parties. I am the Principal Investigator of the ERC Consolidator Grant:  “Advocacy in Digital Democracy: Use, Impact & Democratic consequences” (see King’s College news story) and a DFF funded project on “Inequality in Social Media Representation”. I also serve as co-editor of the official journal of the Political Organizations and Parties section of the American Political Science Association: Interest Groups and Advocacy.

On the following pages you will find more information about my background, publications, research projects and teaching. My google scholar profile is here. Also if you share my passion for travel and read some Danish, check out the website of the Travellers Club of Denmark.

Featured Publication

In this new paper that I co-authored with Stefanie Reher and Dimiter Toshkov in the European Journal of Political Research, we study the links between public opinion and policy on 20 policy issues across 31 European countries. It shows substantial levels of congruence between public opinion and policy-making, but finds less evidence for a relationship between (electoral) institutions and the link between public opinion and policy.